Marilyn Monroe has recently become the target of a lawsuit from ex-husband and New York Yankees great Joe DiMaggio. In spite of the fact that both celebrities are now deceased, DiMaggio’s attorney is moving to block the use of a photo depicting the couple together on the jacket of a new biography entitled Joe DiMaggio: The Long Vigil.
“We will not authorize any photo of Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe…to be on the jacket of any book. This was a no-no in Mr. DiMaggio’s lifetime. We have respected Mr. DiMaggio’s wishes that there be no commercial or other venture depicting (DiMaggio and Monroe),” said Morris Engleberg, executor of the DiMaggio estate, in a statement.
Joe respected Marilyn's privacy in death by not writing or speaking of her. The estate is doing the right thing. Look what happened when Marilyn's estate did NOT honor her wishes. All her private belongings were sold at auction.
Yes, Joe always respected Marilyn after her death. I appreciate his estate for working to continue that respect. On a related note, to be fair, a large portion of Joe's personal belongings, including items from his marriage to Marilyn Monroe, were auctioned also just a few years ago.
There are as FEW people they are doing the right thing by trying to get all of marilyn's Personal belonging's under one roof , in one collection. I believe this will happen some day, we can only hope.